Saturday, August 30, 2008

Good Morning

How about one of THESE and a cup of coffee for breakfast this morning?

I have had a very busy and prosperous morning. I have baked a double batch of cinnamon rolls, watched 3 load of clothes, read my Bible, washed 2 sink full of dishes, put clean sheets on Squirrel's bed, made a list with Joel of the food that has to be cooked and vacuum sealed for him to take to Colorado, and currently have pork chops for said trip baking in the oven. Wow! The things that can be accomplished if you get up while the kids are still sleeping!

If you could only smell my house-fresh cinnamon rolls and now the pork chops baking. It smells pretty wonderful in here right now. As I have offered many times before, come visit me and I will cook you anything you want.

Check out the youth group blog if you would like to see how Joel and I stay so young, but look so old. We had a great time with the teens last night. I am actually still uploading pictures. Nobody wanted to leave. I had to remind Joel that we had kids to go pick up at Poppy and Marshie's house!

Another busy weekend for us. Joel just left for the church. The men had a work day today. We have a funeral on Monday with the viewing beginning tonight. Remember the Beckham family in your prayers as Billy lost his dad yesterday morning. Of course church tomorrow and Joel and his dad will be leaving after the funeral on Monday for Colorado for the annual elk hunt. Nana, Possum, Squirrel, and myself will be headed to Alabama for a visit. The kids are really excited! This makes for a lot of packing and more work. All of the hunting clothes has to be washed, de-scented, and packed very carefully. Plus all of the hunting and camping equipment that has to be packed. Hopefully we will have pictures of great big elk to post in about two weeks!

Now that you can see all of the work I have to do I better get up, turn the computer off, and get to work!!


Nai Nai said...

Looks great.