Friday, December 19, 2008

Our Week in Review

Our week has not been too exciting as you can tell. The weather has been less than perfect. Although the rain has been very needed, it just isn't the kind of weather this mom wants to see.
As you can tell from the pictures, when the kids can't go outside and play they make full use of the toys in their rooms. All I can say is that they stayed entertained and quiet for a long while. Then it took them a long while to clean up the disaster area!

I had a ladies Christmas cookie exchange planned on Monday night, but had to cancel it due to the pending winter storm. The winter storm didn't come. Oh, well. We can always exchange cookies in January. Right?

The weekend is going to be very busy for us. I have two birthday cakes to make, dress rehearsal for our Christmas play, Possum and Squirrel have a "Happy Birthday Jesus" party, Christmas play and fellowship on Sunday, and teen Christmas party at our house on Monday. Sometime I also need to pack for the trip down south. I would like to say that I might get to rest when I get down south, but we go, go, go while we are gone.

*Enjoy the pictures of the madness at our house!
**Grandparents, don't be alarmed. Your grandchildren are not trapped under the toys. I did take pictures of them. I was too ashamed to post them. I didn't want you to see how bad they looked. I will put it this way. Possum said "Why do I have to take a bath if we aren't going anywhere?". We didn't go anywhere from Sunday night church until Wednesday night church. Does that tell you anything?


Nai Nai said...

Looks like Christmas has already been to the Franks home.