Sunday, September 20, 2009

Steve and Christa's Wedding

Steve and Christa's wedding was yesterday. Everything was beautiful. Possum did a great job and well Squirrel did a job!

Before the wedding...Squirrel had rollers all in her hair.
The kids with Poppy.

No one told them to hold hands. They were just being sweet on their own!
Squirrel and her Daddy

Possum and his Daddy

The ring "barrel"

Squirrel eating a goldfish cracker before she walked down the aisle.
Possum was worried that the leaves the girls were throwing was going on the carpet instead of the aisle runner!
Eating her one last goldfish cracker.
One of the girls lost her paci and so Squirrel decided to help her out.

Checking the good smelling food out!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Wedding Practice"

Poppy and Marshie's daughter Christa and Stevie (Possum's nickname for Steve) are getting married today. Possum and Squirrel are both in the wedding. These pictures are from the "wedding practice" last night. Squirrel did great and Possum did okay after a little encouragement from his Daddy!

Poppy and Marshie's real grandkids (Since my kids are adopted!!)
Waiting their turns to walk down the aisle.

The bride with the kids
Possum getting a little encouragement from Poppy.
Joel, the groom, his dad, brother, and soon to be brother in law...oh, and Possum!

Squirrel trying to keep the girls quiet.

Ms. Debbie singing for us.

Mothers of the Bride and Groom

Stevie and Possum
Hopefully I will have beautiful pictures of the wedding to share with everyone tonight!